[squeak-dev] Sound library (from Squeaking up for "'click' sound play")

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 23 22:00:42 UTC 2010

Hi Hannes.

>Hannes Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
>Fri Apr 23 09:25:54 UTC 2010 wrote:
>Yes, Jerome
>I am interested as well to have a good sound library in Squeak which
>is easy to access. With a sound browser.....
>Would it be possible to summarize with a few code snippets how we are
>supposed to work with sounds as it is currently

Yes. I decline. I'm a lazy programmer and it is easier to use the selector to guarentee the return of a playable sound based on the name of the receiver.

"'click' sound" guarentees you have a playable sound.

Assuming there are entries in SoundLibrary:
currentSound := SampledSound soundNames atRandom sound .
currentSound play. 
will make one. (If the library is empty you will get a debug box from atRandom)

"'click' sound play" on the other hand will play the default sound.

You're in luck. My brain just remembered how to browse the sound library.
Open a view on any morph. One of the basic thing you can do is 'make sound' the argument is selected from a pull down list of what is in the sound library.

>and secondy what you think it should be in the future.
I haven't gotten that far in my thinking yet. I wandered into the creation of this selector because "Beeper beep: 'click'" was used extensively in one of my programs. When the deprecated Object>>#beep: got nuked it didn't work anymore.

Rather than patch back the past I decided I wanted to have a selector I could send to the name of the sound I wanted to play. 

Seymour Papert talks about bricolage. Spending time building with things already on hand. Building in a playful spirit. The sound classes in squeak are amazing toys to play with. Beyond the sounds in the SampledSound sound library you can play a great number of things. I've just started to notice its capabilities.

The selector I am proposing is just a way to connect a name with something that can play. 

So someday:
"'myGreatMasterpiece' sound play" 

I just have to find a way to build a sound library of masterpieces and teach the selector how to have access to it. :-)

A journey sometimes starts with only a notion of a destination or even just a need to leave the present location. The path unfolds as one goes. Always, a journey starts with a first step.

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace


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