Without problems it's not fun :). For VMMaker I use the unix- image found on http://squeakvm.org/unix/

First I need to change FTPlugin.c because build process cannot fint <tttables.h>. With 
#include <freetype/tttables.h>
it works. But it may comes from my distribution (ArchLinux, although I have built several packages without problems).

If the plugin is configured as external, it's not loaded when I run last pharo image. I don't know if I need to explicitly load a plugin (and how ?).

If I put the plugin as internal, linking fails:
Linking C executable squeakvm                                                                                       
FT2Plugin/libFT2Plugin.a(FT2Plugin.c.o): In function `primitiveGetFaceCharIndex':                                   
/home/lol/sandbox/pharo/vmmaker/Squeak- undefined reference to `FT_Get_Char_Index'                                                                                     
FT2Plugin/libFT2Plugin.a(FT2Plugin.c.o): In function `primitiveNewMemoryFaceFromExternalMemoryAndIndex':            
/home/lol/sandbox/pharo/vmmaker/Squeak- undefined reference to `FT_New_Memory_Face' 

I suppose it does not find  libfreetype.so (which is in /usr/lib/libfreetype.so on my machine) ? I don't know how to specify lib path with squeak build process...



On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 6:15 PM, laurent laffont <laurent.laffont@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:09 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 04:25:42PM +0100, laurent laffont wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a real newbie on vm stuff. I've managed to compile squeak vm 3.11-3.2135
> on Linux. Now I would like to add FTPlugin as Pharo needs it, but I cannot
> find where to get it nor  how to include it in the build process.  :(

Hi Laurent,

Are you using VMMaker to generate your sources? You will need to do
this in order to add another plugin such as FTPlugin. If you need
help with this, just ask.

John, will need to correct me if the following is not right, as I have
not looked at FTPlugin in a while and I know he has done recent work
to update it for 64 bit issues.

Assuming that you are using VMMaker, then you just need to add FTPlugin.
First load package FreeType from here:
       location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/FreeTypePlus'
       user: ''
       password: ''

Then load FreeType-Plugin from here:
       location: 'http://source.impara.de/freetype'
       user: ''
       password: ''

For reference, here are the repositories for plugins that I know about
(and I'm sure it is not all up to date, so corrections are welcome):

Once this is done, you should be able to open a new VMMaker window,
or click the "Rescan" button on a VMMaker tool that is already open.
Look for "FT2Plugin" in the left hand pane, and drag it over to
either the "Internal Plugins" or "External Plugins" pane, depending
on how you want to build it (probably external would be a good choice
for this plugin).

>From there you should be able generate sources, and the FT2Plugin
will be included in the next build.


Big thank you !!  I'll try this.
