Have you tried on latest VM ? I remembered fixing a bug on #== primitive like a month ago. The problem was when performing #== primitive with the argument being a forwarder to an immediate.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Juan Vuletich <JuanVuletich@zoho.com> wrote:

Hi Eliot, Folks,

Until today, Cuis wouldn't run with any Cog VM newer than #3370. Phil Bellalouna just found the problem. I short, the problem is Character>>#= calling primitive 110 directly. For some reason, primitive 110 works ok if called from #== but not if called from #=, at least in Character.

If you want to see the problem, just get latest Cuis from https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev and run it with latest Cog. It will start ok. Then browse Character>>#= and uncomment the <primitive: 110> line, and debuggers immediately arise.

I'm posting this because I can't understand why does this happen, and maybe this leads to some fix/enh in Cog. Besides, I'm curious and I'd like to know. So, please take a look and enlighten me.

Juan Vuletich