On 24.02.2010, at 09:29, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
On 23.02.2010, at 16:46, Jean Baptiste Arnaud wrote:
it seems, klatt is a vocal synthesis system build in 1980, 
is it still use ? Then if yes for what ?

Not really I think, except for demos.

is it in default vm's plugins?


then if yes why ?

Because there is no compelling reason to exclude it.

Bert, I am completely newbie with this stuff, but if it is a "vocal synthesis system", and my application doesn't need that (maybe 90% of applications don't need that), isn't that a reason to exclude it by default and those 10% to explicitly include it ?



No. When you ship an application you could easily exclude it (if indeed you worry about a few KByte in a multi-Megabyte application). But when you just want to learn about it, it is rather hard to get it unless it's built-in.

To try it today you just need to install the Speech package in your image. If the plugin was not there, you would have to learn about compiling a Virtual Machine for your platform, which most Squeak developers have no intention of ever doing.

- Bert -