
i tried to implement a simple algorithm to find nearest common roots for some object(s)..
see the attached code.

The problem i discovered that the last assertion of my test fails:

    | obj1 obj2 array arrayToTest roots |
    obj1 := 'ObjectA' copy.
    obj2 := 'ObjectB' copy.
    array := {  obj1. obj2 }.
    arrayToTest := { obj1. obj2 }.
    roots := CommonRootsFinder new findCommonRootsOf:  arrayToTest.
    self assert: (roots identityIncludes: array).
    self assert: (roots identityIncludes: arrayToTest) not.
    self assert: (roots identityIncludes: thisContext).  "- sometimes works , sometimes not "

but, when i restart the method in debugger and step down through it, assertion DOES NOT fails.
This means that memory scan does not reveals this context as it should be.

(maybe because it stops at the object which located before location of thisContext)?

any suggestions/comments/ideas , how to make sure that assert will never fail?

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.