Hi folks. It has been asked  a problem in Pharo mailing list and I wanted to ask you. The summary is this:

- You are allowed to take a .image and drag it into a vm (.exe) and this will run the VM with the dragged image

- In such case, the image is interpreted as systemAttribute 1

The problem is when you define a image in the ini file. Suppose I add this to my ini file:


Then, if I try to drag and drop another image to the VM, there will be an UTF8 input error as the thing that I dragged (the image) is interpreted as systemAttribute 2 and thus, in the method startUpAfterLogin it seems systemAttribute 2 is the sources file. So, it tries to load such file as if it were a text file, but as it is an image file...then the error.

The ideal would be: if I have defined a image in the file, to be allowed to drag another one. Of course, the one I drag should be used and set as systemAttribute 1.

Do you know how can I do that? is this fixable ?

In other hand, maybe I can do a validation and a nice error message in case the above cannot be done.

