Sorry, yes, "dict" should be "collection".

On 02.08.2013, at 15:16, Clément Béra <> wrote:

This is not a bug.

Here your variable methodScope is defined outside the block, therefore all the blocks and the method refers to the same variable when calling methodScope.

Yes, I understand that. I just wanted to make sure that's the intended functionality. The reason I ask is that the error isn't easy to spot and there's no cue that one might be doing something wrong (It's not my code by the way :P). Especially for newcomers this can be a tricky one.

I totally agree with you that the variables belong to the block and should be declared there.

Your code is the same as if you wrote :
| methodScope |
methodScope := 1. 
methodScope := 2.
At the end, methodScope is of course 2.

If you want the result :
you have to declare the variable in the block (then there are different variable named methodScope, actually 1 per activation of the block.

collection := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 2 do: [ :index |
        | methodScope |
        methodScope := index.
        dict add: [ methodScope ] ].
collection do: [ :block | Transcript show: block value; cr ]

2013/8/2 Max Leske <>

I just came across this (possible) bug and I'm able to reproduce it in Pharo 2.0 and 3.0 with the latest PharoVM (found in a 1.3 with NBCog):

expected (by my feeble mind):


| methodScope |
collection := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 2 do: [ :index |
        methodScope := index.
        dict add: [ methodScope ] ].

collection do: [ :block | Transcript show: block value; cr ]

I'm aware that using method temps in this way is not good programming style (usually) but I still think this behavior is curious if not at least very likely to cause a lot of weird errors.

Should I open a bug report?
