On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 3:51 PM, gettimothy <gettimothy@zoho.com> wrote:
Hi Eliot,

Thank you, that information is  a time saver.

I will be needing a unixbuild in the oscogvm/ subdirectory alongside of the cygwinbuild,macbuild directories.

OK, it's there.  You'll want to generate the VMs in bldt, dbgbltt, astbltt if possible.  There use a threaded heartbeat, but only work on later linuxes.

I am pretty sure I am generating the correct sources  because I spent a good hour tracking down a duplicate instance variable error that was caused by me  trying to generate the sources for  the StackIntepreterSimulator instead of the StackInterpeter (:
Tracking that down led me to the  CCodeGeneratorGlobalStructure  doing checks on the tree that the source was being generated which you can see here:

'array:     {nil . nil . nil . VMClass . ObjectMemory . NewObjectMemory . InterpreterPrimitives . StackInterpreter . StackInterpreterPrimitives . StackInterpreterSimulator . InterpreterStackPages . nil . nil . nil . nil . nil . nil . nil . nil . nil}

So, my bet is that I am generating the StackInterpeter source.

That is a pretty nifty strategy, btw of "encapsulating" the C-Code generation in that class tree.

When I get this done, I will also reach out to  Tim R. and David L. to update their work on the  wiki if they are so inclined.



---- On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:12:20 -0800 Eliot Miranda<eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote ----

Hi Tty,

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 3:02 PM, gettimothy <gettimothy@zoho.com> wrote:

I figured its time to build the StackInterpreter so I can get my hands dirty with plugins and maybe figure out the keyEvents at that level.

If you're working on my Cog main branch you should  check out
in a directory named oscogvm, at the same level as your image,
generate sources to
and build in any of
    oscogvm/{cygwinbuild,macbuild} (http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog/stackbuild/{cygwinbuild,macbuild})

Let me know if you need a unixbuild there-in (linux) and I'll put one there.

Look at the methods in VMMaker class configurations protocol for the methods that generate VMs.  e.g. generateSqueakStackVM

After a couple of missteps I was  able to generate the source using VMMakerTool just fine into the src directory of

svn co http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog tree.  (Thanks Tim. R and dtl for the instructions on the wiki http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6177)

After some failed configures and builds, I am thinking I am in the wrong branch and/or subdirectory

To build the StackInterpreter, should I be on the Squeak branch with its structure? Should I build in Cog branch/unixbuild? or Cog branch/stackbuild? (which does not have a unix build directory)

BRANCH                           Build Directory
Cog                                  unixbuild                         <---I WAS HERE (seemed to build cog fine, replacing svn src/ directory with VMMakerTool generated sources did not configure)
Cog                                  stackbuild                       <--Should I be here?
Squeak                            platforms/unix                   <--or here
...                                                                          <--or someplace else entirely?



