Hi All,

   now thanks to Hilaire's advocacy and David's work we have a plugin that loads and runs on Unix.  There's of course more to do before we're finished:

a) sqPasteboardClear needs to be implemented
b) ideally the memory management contract between sqUnixExtendedClipboard.c and clipboardGetTypeNames (implemented in platforms/unix/vm-display-X11/sqUnixX11.c) can be d=fixed.  See my comment at line 45 of sqUnixExtendedClipboard.c
c) the image-level ExtendedClipboardUnixInterface code needs implementing, using the Mac & WIndows siblings as a guide, and seeing what Firefox & Chrome do when pasting images and HTML text, and what happens when one copies filenames in the desktop file manager

On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 11:40 AM Hilaire Fernandes <hfern@free.fr> wrote:


I want to copy to the OS clipboard DrGeo sketch as SVG image.

The clipboard in the image is only for text. I read about Extented Clipboard (Mac OSX) plugin to manage other type of data. I was told the plugin also existed for Linux at some time (when Sophie was developed). Is it possible to retrieve it?



GNU Dr. Geo

best, Eliot