I loaded the packages from the source.squeak.org/FFI repository. Now checking the Unix example to talk to libsodium. How can I test if this libsodium.so is loaded into the squeak process?


On 9/11/22 10:16, rabbit wrote:
Thanks, Jakob! It is installing now, as soon as the Metacello install completed, which is taking forever!

Here is the various libsodium functions: https://doc.libsodium.org/quickstart

Have a Good One; Keep it, Light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions

On Sep 11, 2022, at 09:19, Jakob Reschke <jakres+squeak@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi rabbit,

Am So., 11. Sept. 2022 um 12:49 Uhr schrieb rabbit <rabbit@callistohouse.org>:

Is it possible, you can point me to an example of using FFI to talk to a shared lib?

You can choose to download and install FFI from the last page of the preferences wizard. It appears when you launch a fresh image, or find it in the Apps menu. There are some examples in the FFI-MacOS-Examples, FFI-Unix-Examples, and FFI-Win32-Examples class categories. You could also read about it on the wiki: https://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/2426

Kind regards,
Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions