Hi David,

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 3:22 PM, David <stormbyte@gmail.com> wrote:
I did not see any progress over the time in making a (stable) release
of pharo in 64 bit flavor.

For servers, it is a common practice (and also a good one if no 32bit
executables are planned) to completelly disable 32bit support (by not
compiling any library in 32bit, disabling emulation of 32bit in
kernel), and also performance, as under 64bit, 32bit code runs slightly

The above make enough reasons to make it interesting to have a 64bit
version of pharo, but... Is it intended/in progress? Or nothing really
at the moment?

64-bit development of Spur is in progress.  There is a somewhat functional 64-bit Squeak Spur image and a functional Linux 64-bit Stack interpreter.  Coincidentally I'm currently working on an input event processing bug which only occurs in the real VM.  You may know that the next release of Pharo (Pharo 6?) is intended to be a Spur release.  Esteban Lorenzano is working on the Pharo Spur bootstrap.  I am working in Squeak and my priorities are first, to get the Spur Squeak 64-bit image working fully on the Stack Interpreter and then to work on an x64 JIT VM.  I expect that by the time Pharo 6 is ready to release, the 64-bit version will also be ready.

Hope this helps.
best, Eliot