A better place to look is in VMMaker using the browser.  There you'll see different kinds of primitive from things like GeniePlugin where all the code is written in Slang to SocketPlugin where all the code is merely wrappers around platform-specific support code.

I saw it! Thanks...much clear now.   I have, however, a couple of problems/questions:

- I couldn't compile in VMMaker as I have the error: "MacOSPowerPCOS9VMMaker could not find directory for: Mac OS specific files; is the platform root path set correctly?"   However, I have correctly set the path. I attach a screenshot of the pharo image and the output of a console.
Do you know what the problem can be ?

The directory the  MacOSPowerPCOS9VMMaker expects is called 'Mac OS' not MacOS or Macos or...  So either change it to expect MacOS or move or copy your platforms subdirectory from platforms/MacOS to 'platforms/Mac OS'.

I knew that was going to be confusing :(  
I did try 'Mac OS' as it was like that after downloading with SVN. And that's where I got the problem. Then, I thought (used to Linux) that there may be some problem with the space. I changed, but still the same problem :(


- can I download a "standard" VMMaker configuration from somewhere?  

John and David are the experts here.  I have a decidedly non-standard configuration (for the time being) and so am of no help.

ok...no problem :)
- shouldn't be a good idea every time a new official VM is done, to save the configuration into a .config file and to include it in the zip ?  So that I can reproduce it and know what was done :)

Uh, yes :)

Excellent. Let's see what others think.
- is there a way to know which are the "core" plugins ? I mean, suppose I want to deploy an application, do you know more or less which plugins will be VERY likely to be needed ?   For example, I guess I don't need CroquetPlugin or FFI if I don't use it in my app, but FilePlugin for example, I guess it is needed even to bootstrap (maybe I am wrong, it is just an example).
What I am trying to do is to see how can I create the minimal "production" vm according to my needs.

I don't know of any proper list.  But these are excellent questions.  I think we do need a core list and as we work towards a kernel image we should try and arrange that those primitives needed by things loaded into the core image but not needed by the kernel image itself are available as external plugins, with notable exceptions such as the core graphics.  Having a more modular VM should make it easier to configure, not more difficult, because the core VM will be a simpler leaner more known quantity and plugins will be freer to evolve with the packages that they support.

Exactly that was my idea. I see work in progress for minimal images, but not for "minimal" or more modular VM. I said I don't see not because there isn't, just because I don't know.

I even though in having official .config for different common needs. For example, a standard one, a kernel, a web (with Socket, Network, etc), a headless, etc...
of course every people can build their own as they wish...But sometimes (at least that's what happens to me) I don't know what a plugin is, and neither I don't know if it is used or not by the image I plan to use.


- I know nothing about SLANG, but something surprised me:  "self"  referes directly to the C function name ?
For example, in SocketPlugin >> primitiveResolverAddressLookupResult    it does:
"sz := self sqResolverAddrLookupResultSize."

and sqResolverAddrLookupResultSize is the name of the C function of the plugin. WOWWW!!!

Yes, in Slang the receiver is elided, except for sends to the interpreterProxy.  There is effectively only one receiver in the main VM, the VM itself, and C has no concept of the receiver, so Slang just deletes it, or converts interpreterProxy foo: arg info interpreterProxy->foo(arg).

Much clear now :)  Thanks!
You'll see some implementations of the C functions in the InterpreterSimulator and in subclasses of various plugins that simulate those plugins (e.g. look at subclasses of the FilePlugin).

Cool. I saw them!

Thanks for all the help.



I hope someone can help this newbie :)

Thanks in advance,
