Hi Ian,

I've downloaded the source, configure & make, no problem. FT2Plugin's here, cool !

But when I start running all tests on a Pharo 1.0 rc4 image, it crashes. I know this crash. A workaround is to put UUID plugin as Internal. Maybe it's Pharo specific ?

Segmentation fault

2017744556 UUID>initialize
2017744324 Behavior>new:
2017744232 >new
2017744140 GoferResource>setUpMonticelloRepository
2017743960 OrderedCollection>do:
2017743868 GoferResource>setUpMonticelloRepository
2017725324 GoferResource>setUp
2017725232 TestResource>initialize
2017725140 Behavior>new
2017725048 >current
2017724956 >isAvailable
2017724864 TestRunner>basicSetUpSuite:
2017227828 Set>do:
2017227636 TestRunner>basicSetUpSuite:
2017227544 TestRunner>basicRunSuite:do:
2017227452 TestRunner>runSuite:
2016654544 TestRunner>runAll
2016654452 PluggableButtonMorph>performAction
2016654360 PluggableButtonMorphPlus>performAction
2016654268 PluggableButtonMorph>mouseUp:
2016654176 SequenceableCollection>do:
2016653384 PluggableButtonMorph>mouseUp:
2016653248 PluggableButtonMorphPlus>mouseUp:
2016653156 Morph>handleMouseUp:
2016653064 MouseButtonEvent>sentTo:
2016652972 Morph>handleEvent:
2016652880 Morph>handleFocusEvent:
2016652712 HandMorph>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
2016652620 PasteUpMorph>becomeActiveDuring:
2016652528 BlockClosure>on:do:
2016652436 PasteUpMorph>becomeActiveDuring:
2016652320 HandMorph>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
2016652160 HandMorph>sendEvent:focus:clear:
2016652068 HandMorph>sendMouseEvent:
2016651976 HandMorph>handleEvent:
2016651712 HandMorph>processEvents
2016651604 WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor:
2016651512 SequenceableCollection>do:
2016651420 WorldState>handsDo:
2016651328 WorldState>doOneCycleNowFor:
2016651200 WorldState>doOneCycleFor:
2016651108 PasteUpMorph>doOneCycle
1997723608 >?
1997723480 BlockClosure>?

Laurent Laffont

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Ian Piumarta <piumarta@speakeasy.net> wrote:


Source and binaries for Linux/i386, Darwin/i386 & Darwin/PPC now available.  (Solaris, NetBSD and FreeBSD still at 3.11.3 until I get my kvm working again.)



Major changes since

Generated sources rebuilt from VMMaker-dtl.169.

Re-enabled MIDI support via ALSA on Linux.

Broken locales should no longer cause line ends to go missing during copy and paste.

Add support for "platform source version" primitive.

Remove debugging beep on first clipboard copy under X11.

Allow fully-qualified pathnames when loading modules.

Bundle FreetypePlugin with source and binary releases.

Various fixes for 64-bit cleanliness (many thanks to Dave Lewis).

Add microsecond clock support.

Fix launching from a menu under KDE.

Fix --CFLAGS option in configure script.

Serial plugin invalidates cached port names on close.

Better handling of symlinks when looking for absolute path to VM binary.