On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Marcus. I have been testing a little the one click image and I found the following things:

- splash.bmp  says release candidate 2. It should be release stable 1.0 or RC3.

- There is the __MACOSX folder...should be remove. Remember yemuzip ;)

- In Linux VM, you pass the parameter -encoding latin1  to the VM.
Shouldn't this be UTF-8 ? I don't know.

Several months ago, I reported this "problem".
Today I saw this issue: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3205

so....should we change to UTF-8  ??



- In /Contents/Resources   not only is PharoV10.sources  but also SqueakV39.sources. Shouldn't SqueakV39.sources be deleted ?   even more it size 16MB!!

- The name of the zip of the 1.0 maybe should have a name different than:Pharo-1.0-10515-rc3dev.zip, for example Pharo-1.0-OneClick.
Notice the OneClick as part of the name

- In linux there are 2 failing test:
TestIdenting >> testNewLineLeaveSpacesOnOldLine
TestIdenting >> testCR2
They are not new. I even try to ask help and Laurent too some time ago. I would like someone to analyze them. If it is a problem of the test, I would remove them. If there is nothing wrong with the test, I would try to analyze how to fix it.

- There is a problem in the tests of  RBInternalSpellChecker  in Linux and Windows, when you are not connected to internet. There are 13 errors tests. The SpellChecker uses the MacOS library, but for Linux and Windows it uses its own. But...it needs to download the file. Thus, it fails if you are off-line. The place is in
 RBInternalSpellChecker >> downloadData
And of course,  self url  is 'http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/rb-spelling.dat'.
As now with Metacello configurations, it is easy to select if you want to download the tests or not, I would put that file somehow in the image (part of the test package). The file is 2.1 MB on disk.
But maybe there is a reason not to do this. Lukas ?



On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 11:53 PM, Chris Kassopulo <ckasso@sprynet.com> wrote:
On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 09:04:58 -0400, Marcus Denker <marcus.denker@inria.fr> wrote:

Here is a one-click image (for easy starting for newbies).

I only tested this under macos, so it needs a testrun on Linux and Windows


Ubuntu 9.04

9177 run, 9155 passes, 20 expected failures, 2 failures, 0 errors, 0 unexpected passes

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