Hi Alistair,

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 1:37 AM, Alistair Grant <akgrant0710@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eliot,

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 21:31, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alistair,
> On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 1:02 PM, Alistair Grant <akgrant0710@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> FilePlugin>>primitiveFileStdioHandles is responsible for opening stdio
>> in the VM.  The basic behaviour is to call sqFileStdioHandlesInto()
>> which does the actual work and returns a mask indicating which streams
>> were successfully opened (stdin, stdout, stderr).
>> However primitiveFileStdioHandles regards a mask of 0, i.e. no files
>> available, as a primitive failure:
>> sHFAfn ~= 0 ifTrue:
>>     [(self cCode: ' ((sqInt (*)(void))sHFAfn)()' inSmalltalk: [true]) ifFalse:
>>         [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrUnsupported]].
>> self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [fileRecords := Array new: 3].
>> validMask := self sqFileStdioHandlesInto: fileRecords.
>> validMask = 0 ifTrue:
>>     [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrUnsupported].
>> This doesn't cause a problem in squeak since all primitive errors are
>> handled by simply assuming that the stdio files can't be opened and
>> ignoring any other errors.
>> Pharo currently raises an unhandled exception.
>> On Windows not having stdio available is a normal condition, so
>> I think the correct behaviour is for the primitive to succeed, but
>> return an array of 3 nils, i.e. successfully determined that none of the
>> stdio files are available (this is effectively what happens in the
>> Squeak image anyway).
>> It would then mean that a primitive failure can be treated as something
>> going wrong, rather than the normal (on Windows) situation of no stdio
>> files being available.
>> The other (minor) benefit is that at the moment there are two situations
>> in which the primitive fails with PrimErrUnsupported: sHFAfn ~= 0 and
>> validMask = 0.  This change would make it easier to interpret the
>> failure.
>> Any objections?
> No, but I think the right thing to do is to fail if  sqFileStdioHandlesInto answers a value less than zero.  That would;d still allow the subsystem to communicate some serious error, while allowing the system also to report that no streams are available (e.g. when not attached to a console).

Wouldn't it  be better for sqFileStdioHandlesInto to flag the
primitive as failing itself as it could then provide a reason, e.g.
primitiveFailFor or primitiveFailForOSError? (the platform support
file is already doing this in other support routines).

> BTW, is there any image level source code available for accessing the FileAttributesPlugin's primitives?  This is lazy of me, but if there is could you email me a pointer to the code or the code itself asap?  TIA
> P.S> I'm specifically looking for code to implement testing directory writability in Squeak.

OK, just a warning in advance: The code (VM and image) works fine on
Linux and Windows.  I didn't know about the Mac file encoding quirks
until recently, so need to change the plugin to work properly on Mac
OS.  But I haven't got the VM to compile on my Mac virtualbox machine,
so the changes are still local to my PC.  This won't affect you unless
you've got non-ascii characters in your file names.  I should have
fixed this by now, but the problems compiling on Mac have frustrated
me, and I've had very little time (personal reasons).

I develop on the Mac so feel free to email me a change set and tests (e.g. just doit in a workspace) and IO can test for you.

The main repository for the image side file attributes code is at:

OK, I'll see if I can grab this wen I have time. Today is taken :-)

If you're not comfortable with git I think figuring out the changes
will be difficult.  I've got a .cs from a slightly earlier revision
which I can email you - probably directly, it's 93Kb.

I'll try and put together a change set which just includes enough code
to get file attributes.

I've got myself going.  I have the R_OK, W_OK, E_OK accessors in place so don't need source code.  I do suggest however that primitiveFileAttribute would be nicer to use if it took its arguments in reverse order.  i.e.

    attribute: attributeNumber forPath: path

is less clumsy than

    attributeForPath: path numbered: attributeNumber

Any other questions, of course please let me know.


best, Eliot