I should probably give a quick update since I've dropped off the radar for the past couple of months...

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 2:13 PM tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

> On 2022-01-17, at 10:30 AM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 10:09:54AM -0800, tim Rowledge wrote:
>> This is excellent news; thank you for all the work.
>> Question: is this the 'old' vm? New? Both?
> Both :-)

Even better.

Almost ;-)  The tarball that Dave and the web admins put up is to get Jonas current with the classic VM.  The existing Debian package is something like 7+ years old so this should get Debian back in sync with us.  Once that's done, we can start making the package changes needed to get it to coexist with the new VM (which I still have some work to do on)... then it will be time to celebrate.

> The existing Debian squeak-vm package (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/squeak-vm)
> has only the old VM. Phil has been working on adding the new VMs to the package,
> as well as updating the old VM to current source levels.
> This is not a trivial project and Phil has been doing a great job of managing it.

Oh yeah; I'm deeply thankful Phil took it on.

Thanks to both of you for your support and apologize for going silent for the past couple of months.  I was in the heat of working on the packaging when I finally pushed my poor old i7 too hard and OOM'd when attempting to run too many simultaneous (kvm) VM's doing package building and forgot to shut down enough other programs to give it a chance of working.  This resulted in a couple of my VMs getting corrupted so I decided to wait until I got a new machine before attempting to proceed.  I got the new system up and running and sorted out the corrupted VMs over the holidays.  Now I'm starting to ramp back up on finishing up a first cut of the packages which dovetails nicely with Dave's efforts above.  So while we're not there yet, progress is being made...

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Strange OpCodes: D: Detonate
