Just an FYI to keep you updated.

1. Current work is on concurrently developing a Linux32x86 (w 32 bit compat libs) squeak.cog.spur/build Configuration AND the Help documentation to create the thing (Writing the Help is the time consuming stuff, but critical)
When that is done, I will test my Help writing, by porting the app to a pure 64x64 machine and duplicating that process for a pure linux 64x64 configuration.
That will ensure the Help pages needed by others to create their own Configurations for different platforms are reasonably solid.

2.a some of the  Plugins processing currently has some hard-coded stuff from pharo that must be removed. for example
    ^'PLUGIN_REQUIRE_INCLUDE(V4L2 linux/videodev2.h /usr/include)'

needs rethinking



is reasonable

2.b. Look critically at the Plugin processing...I am thinking wrappers to replace what I currently have.

3. Step back and look at the CMake generation process then refactor such that its methods clearly communicate the methodical process  of creating a CMake build tree.
Currently it is conceptually cluttered incorporating code from Ian's CMake work and steps from the pharo CMakeVMMaker work.

The construction Idiom I am using is directly from Seaside's html component idiom.
Constructing a very complicated web-page using Seaside components is conceptually easy ; Constructing complicated CMake files should be too.

4. Decoupling the CMakeVMMakerSqueak from the existing pharo CMakeVMMaker

5. Enlist crowd-sourcing to complete the Configurations for each [Platform][Language.VM.MemoryModel][BuildType]  [4 platforms]x [2 languages x 3 vms x 2 memory models] x [6 build types]=eleventy billion configurations (or maybe 288 )

6. (optional) "Auto" CMake templates  creation and by CMake version as such....
parse the output of 'cmake --help-commands and create CMake Templates (classes) from that data.
CMake Templates are conceptually the same as Seaside HTML Components .
Composing them makes constructing CMakeLists.txt files easy process.

7. (optional) Seaside application that allows a user to select from or create on the fly a CMake build tree for their platform.

8. steal all the underpants.


10. profit!

