Hi Juan,

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 10:16 AM, J. Vuletich (mail lists) <juanlists@jvuletich.org> wrote:

Hi Eliot, Folks,

I found that recent Cog VMs crash when using AndreasSystemProfiler. I'm using Cuis https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev , but could reproduce the problem in Squeak4.6-15078 and AndreasSystemProfiler from http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/AndreasSystemProfiler.html . I tried on Windows 7 and Linux Debian Jessie and saw similar behavior. I could try on a Mac if helpful.

Thanks, its on my list.

To reproduce the problem, evaluate this, several times. Usually crashes after 4 or 5 tries:

AndreasSystemProfiler spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat: [3.14159 printString]]

This does _not_ crash in coglinux-15.22.3370 or cogwin-15.22.3370 (from June 4th). With this VM I can evaluate the expression over 40 times and never saw a crash.

It does crash on the newer release: cogwin-15.24.3386 and coglinux-15.24.3386. It also crashes on the very latest cogwin-15.28.3410 and coglinux-15.28.3410. I tried on one machine with Win7 and Linux and on another PC with Win7. Results were consistent.

All the crash dumps are at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/juewbluobhciejh/AABjvOKULw9mZNvlVg3t8Dyga?dl=0 ..

The Linux crash files include these lines at the end:
        stack page bytes 4096 available headroom 2788 minimum unused headroom 3004
        (Segmentation fault)

The Windows crash files include a "Stack backtrace" and a "Smalltalk stack dump".

Thanks in advance for your help.

Juan Vuletich

best, Eliot