One additional thought on this...

On Sep 20, 2017 7:28 PM, "Phil B" <> wrote:

On Sep 20, 2017 7:04 PM, "Clément Bera" <> wrote:

In practice, all the people using the simulator have images that were built when Eliot's script was working, and we update the image with the new VMMaker code but don't rebuild them. I know its not good but we had to keep things working with limited ressources.

This seems to be an issue (problems building a good VMMaker image) that I've run into several times and others likely have as well.  This is understandable since you folks are moving fast.  Something the Squeak and Pharo teams might want to consider when doing a release is to also create a snapshot VMMaker image (i.e. this is what we used to build this release) so people like myself who aren't intimately familiar with VM development can easily get to the last known working/stable version of it for just building/debugging.
