
Thank you. I have joined that list and will continue the conversation there.



---- On Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:12:51 -0800 David T. Lewis<lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote ----

On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 07:29:42AM -0800, gettimothy wrote:
> Eliot
> First, if these discussion is inappropriate for squeak-dev, I have subscribed to squeak-vm-beginners and we can move it there or elsewhere if I am creating too much noise here.

Hi Timothy,

The vm-dev list is here:


It is not a beginner's list, and your discussion would be welcome there. Either
way, you are not creating "noise" and it is great to see you getting involved.

> In working the steps at http://www.mirandabanda.org/cogblog/build-image/ and I have found that running all the tests for the Alien install on the SqueakVM that comes with the all-in-one app fails all but one of its tests. (primitives fail)
> If I start the image using the CogVM then all the tests pass.
> So, is it correct to say that building a Cog Development Image on Squeak4.4 or greater depends on a pre-built CogVM from http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/ ?
> I am assuming yes, but I want to verify with you before I document what I am doing

It is a good idea to use a VM from mirandaband.org, because different VMs may have
different runtime behaviour, and using a runtime environment that matches Eliot's
will prevent confusion.

Strictly speaking, you can build a Cog VM using pretty much any VM that works
with your Squeak4.4 image. So no it is not necessary to use a specific pre-built
image, but it is a very good idea to do so, especially during the time when you
are first learning how to do VM building.

I think Eliot will give you a similar answer, so hopefully he won't mind me stepping
in to answer some of your questions.


> thx.
> t