On 3 July 2018 at 02:03, Markus Fritsche <mfritsche@reauktion.de> wrote:
Hi Alistair et al,

shameless admission of "no-ledge" (a.k.a. ignorance): from which project
do I base my PR off of to ensure all flavours will get eventually
updated, and is there a contribution guide for that one?

Best regards,

On 02.07.2018 19:58, Alistair Grant wrote:
> Assuming no other objections are raised before-hand:  If you can
> submit a PR, great!  If not, let me know and I'll make the change
> (although it could take a few weeks - limited time and other changes I
> want to see incorporated).

> Thanks,
> Alistair

Pharo, Squeak, Cuis all build from the OpenSmalltalk VM repo.

cheers -ben