On 26-04-2017, at 6:49 AM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:

btw, just to check... ARM6 is The Rpi right?

Yup. Although strictly speaking something over 80% of all Pi are v7 cpus the ‘rule’ is to compile v6 to avoid complicated multiple executables. Given that the vm isn’t actually all that big I’d say we could get away with it if we really wanted but so far I’ve not heard any evidence of a major performance difference.

The change I really want to make is going for the AArch64 target. It wouldn’t make a giant difference on a current Pi  (maybe 20%) but it would open up the coming world of 64bit ARM OSs with 3+GHz 48-core CPUs and so on. All I need is 

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Don't document the program; program the document.