Hi Sophie, Hi Ben,

   thanks!  This issue is because until recently Squeak used ContextPart and MethodContext as the class names for contexts, while Pharo had changed to just using Context.  Now Squeak trunk is using Context too the compatibility package isn't needed.  I've updated the load script to eliminate CogCompatibility.st as you two both did.  That's pushed to github.  I'm also committing versions of VMMaker and Cog that no longer use the deprecated includedSubString:, so the builds should work less noisily now.

Sophie, welcome!  I for one would love to know what your plans with VMMaker are.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Sophie Kaleba <sophie.kaleba@gmail.com> wrote:

I have tried to build a cog dvlpt image using the following instructions :
$ git clone http://www.github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm
$ cd opensmalltalk-vm/image
$ ./buildspurtrunkvmmakerimage.sh

while running the script, i get 2 errors (see attached file):
- "Context cannot be changed"
- and then "stackp store failure"
which prevent me from actually building the image (the last error goes in an infinite loop)

Has anyone ever experienced this problem?

I am using Ubuntu 15.10, 64 bits.


best, Eliot