I did not do that last step you did: git merge OpenSmalltalk/Cog --allow-unrelated-histories.

But on that branch your last commit was "merge with Cog" and git log seemed to show history items from the Cog branch, and I couldn't guess how you did it. Just asking to see if I could learn something new.

I'm not sure I understand if/why we need to merge OpenSmalltalk/Cog into feenkcom/pullrequest3/vmmaker before we merge feenkcom/pullrequest3/vmmaker into OpenSmalltalk/Cog.

Its a big merge and merging first into you local repo allows you to better review the final result before doing the PR, and makes that PR a simple fast-forward merge.

Also I presumed this applies...
though I've not tested this in practice. YMMV

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