On Oct 19, 2015, at 6:22 AM, Robert Withers <robert.w.withers@gmail.com> wrote:

You can then try running with the ARM simulator instead of the IA32 simulator by uncommenting it and commenting the ISA IA32 back again.  However, you won’t get as far, as there are still problems with ARM simulation and Cog ARM code generation.

How could I help with the simulation?

I’ve ported the latest gdb version of the ARM simulator (gdb-7.10), which now includes support for VFP and other instructions that were missing from the gdb-7.6 version.  That’s now in the queue awaiting final check and inclusion in the distribution.  But there may likely be more debug work to get it running as well as the Bochs IA32 simulator.

I did run into issues trying to build the linux32x86 version on my 64-bit Ubuntu system: there are a number of system libraries that don’t have support for multiarch which I had to include local version of, and I had to put in some “-m32” flags in the config scripts to force the build to be 32-bit.  Once the 64-bit Spur is stable, there will have to be some work to parameterize the simulator builds to build either 32-bit or 64-bit versions.

— tim