Hi Dimitry. Congratulations for the project. It looks promising. A couple of question:

The fork of the adroid VM is from the Interpreter VM, isn't it ?
Have you ever consider or have in mind to adapt the Cog StackVM ?  I remember John saying that this improved performance in the iPhone.

Just curiosity...apart from changing the interpreter loop, does this VM require more changes in the "VMMaker part" ? because I guess  most of the fork is in the platform code.



On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Dimitry Golubovsky <golubovsky@gmail.com> wrote:


I am glad to announce that the Squeak Port for Android Tablets [1] has
reached its first milestone.

Work has been done towards fixing certain usability issues such as
better integration with Android Input Methods, access to local file
system, etc.

The pre-packaged Android application (apk, signed with debug key), and
zipped Image file (Image, changes, sources, demo project) are
available from the project page at Google Code.

Everyone is welcome to test the application on their Android devices.
See the TestDrive [2] Wiki page for detailed instructions. Please
report all issues to the project's issue tracker and Wiki pages.

In my case it works on Pandigital Novel 9" eReader tablet with Android
2.0, not rooted.

PS Two things are still known to be an issue:

1. Network sockets do not function properly; they were not addressed
at this time
2. Android NDK rev. 3 is still required (because of the 4.2.1
toolchain); see [3] for some information

PPS I also have been working on the presentation of this project (see
notes and slides in the wiki). If there is any interested group of
Smalltalk and/or Android users/developers in my area (South-eastern
PA, US) I'd be glad to give an actual presentation.

Thanks for any feedback.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/squeakvm-tablet/

[2] http://code.google.com/p/squeakvm-tablet/wiki/TestDrive

[3] http://squeakvm-tablet.googlecode.com/hg/project/ndk-build

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
