Hi Michael,

This is amazingly good timing.  I have an immediate, urgent need for Pharo on Android.  I understand the graphics might not quite be there, but the potential is enticing.  Could I possibly get on a Discord chat and/or Skype with you? 

I'm in the middle of a two week hackathon and needing an Android phone to listen to Bluetooth GAP advertisements from a Raspberry Pi transmitting its GPS coordinates, and then drawing a simple graphic showing the relative location of the transmitter and the phone.  I've had minor success with...  
using Nicolas Bridoux's "Beacon Scanner" on my Android phone.

What chance do you think a Pharo image has of receiving such events?  I'm about six hours old with Android Studio, done the FirstApp tutorial (https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html)
and right now working through the Graphics/Aninamation tute (https://developer.android.com/training/building-graphics.html)  but much rather be working in Pharo.  

The benefit for the community is I get to promote Pharo to BHP's new formed Technology group.  BHP are a fortune 500 company putting on ~2000 people globally to work on Industrial Internet Of Things.  There are some really interesting graphs in this video...

Even if the hackthon is too time constrained to get something working, I hope to be able to follow up with BHP to demonstrate Pharo and seek their support for it.

What timezone are you?  I'm GMT+8, but I'm a night owl happy to work around the clock.

cheers -ben

Skype: Ben Coman, Collie, (Western) Australia.

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 3:31 AM, Michael Rueger <lists@andience.co.nz> wrote:

Congratulations and thank you!  Are you planning to fold the vm changes back into opensmalltalk/vm?

yes, definitely, that was the idea, was just easier for me to work directly in AndroidStudio first.

