On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 11:43 AM Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Holger,

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 10:04 AM Holger Freyther <holger@freyther.de> wrote:

> On 3. Apr 2019, at 23:50, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Holger,

> It's represented as FFIExternalStructure subclass: #CXCursor. In the case of the callback the handle is an instance of FFIExternalStructureReferenceHandle with an Alien embedded into it.
> What is the C signature of the callback function, and what is the source of the marshaling method in the relevant Callback subclass's signatures protocol?
> Also, what's the callout's signature and what is the Smalltalk code for the call?

C declaration:

typedef enum CXChildVisitResult(* CXCursorVisitor) (CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent, CXClientData client_data);

and passed to the c function below.

unsigned clang_visitChildren    (CXCursor parent, CXCursorVisitor visitor,  CXClientData client_data );

Smalltalk Source:

        acceptCallbackFn :=
                signature:  #( CXChildVisitResult (
                                                                CXCursor cursor,
                                                                CXCursor parent,
                                                                CXString client_data))

somewhere in the Callback hierarchy there should me a marshaling method for the platform you're on that matches that signature.  Fo example, in Squeak if I'm calling, say, sort, then there's a callback such as

signature:  #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))
block: [ :arg1 :arg2 | ((arg1 doubleAt: 1) - (arg2 doubleAt: 1)) sign].

to marshal the callback's incoming arguments each platform needs a suitable marshaling method that the Callback machinery matches to the signature.  Here they are from Squeak:

Callback methods for signatures
voidstarvoidstarRetint: callbackContext regs: regsAlien
<signature: #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))>
self subclassResponsibility

CallbackForARM32 methods for signatures
voidstarvoidstarRetint: callbackContext regs: regsAlien
<signature: #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))>
^callbackContext wordResult:
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongAt: 1))
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongAt: 5)))

CallbackForWin64X64 methods for signatures
voidstarvoidstarRetint: callbackContext regs: regsAlien
<signature: #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))>
^callbackContext wordResult:
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongLongAt: 1))
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongLongAt: 9)))

CallbackForX64 methods for signatures
voidstarvoidstarRetint: callbackContext regs: regsAlien
<signature: #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))>
^callbackContext wordResult:
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongLongAt: 1))
value: (Alien forPointer: (regsAlien unsignedLongLongAt: 9)))

Missed one (finger trouble)

CallbackForIA32 methods for signatures
voidstarvoidstarRetint: callbackContext sp: spAlien
<signature: #(int (*)(const void *, const void *))>
^callbackContext wordResult:
value: (Alien forPointer: (spAlien unsignedLongAt: 1))
value: (Alien forPointer: (spAlien unsignedLongAt: 5)))

What are is method for your platform?

CXChildVisitResult is an enum, CXCursor/CXString are FFIExternalStructure subclasses.

Smalltalk code:

        Libclang clang_visitChildren__parentCursor: rootCursor
                                   visitorCallback: acceptCallbackFn
                                        clientData: rootClientData.

>>#clang_visitChildren__parentCursor: parent
                  visitorCallback: visitor
                       clientData: client_data
        ^ self ffiCall: #( uint clang_visitChildren(
                                                                CXCursor parent,
                                                                CXCursorVisitor visitor,
                                                                CXClientData client_data))

> Or do I chase it from the wrong end?
> Without the code I can't help, hence my questions above.

The full code is in Ben's LibclangPractice (http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~BenComan/LibclangPractice). I have set a breakpoint in LibclangTest>>#visitChildrenCallbackReturning: to look at the cursor variable and call it's methods. I think my  Pharo PR (https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/3136/files#diff-8f4b31166c3a817dd8ad1f0518ae633a) is fixing the callback handling in Unified-FFI.

I think I have stumbled into three separate bugs and I just noticed that they are Pharo specific. Unified-FFI doesn't seem to exist for Squeak.

1st) an Alien ending inside a handle of a FFIExternalStructure sub-instance. I have made a PR for it and I think it is reasonable to turn the Alien into an ExternalAddress early.

2nd) Pushing a FFIExternalStructure sub-instance with a FFIExternalStructureReferenceHandle in it to the stack doesn't work. Squeak+ThreadedFFIPlugin simply don't know what a FFIExternalStructureReferenceHandle valueOOP is.

3rd) Returning a struct from the callback doesn't to work either. That's a UnifiedFFI bug as well:

In FFICallbackParameterTests>>#testPassingStructureInTheStack

        | param |
        callback := FFICallback
                signature: #(int (FFITestStructureSmallIntFloatStructure a))
                block: [ :a |
                        self assert: a x equals: 2.0.
                        self assert: a y equals: 3. ..

change the "int" to "FFITestStructureSmallIntFloatStructure" and the first assertion will fail. The value of "a x" becomes 3. I have not debugged this.

I think only 2nd) is relevant to this list. Support for FFIExternalStructureReferenceHandle will add one level of indirection.

best, Eliot

best, Eliot