@fniephaus commented on this pull request.


> @@ -212,3 +212,30 @@ If you were working on a feature branch, do this:
 If your feature branch is ready or you are an external contributor with your own
 fork, use the github web interface to open a pull request.
+# C Source Code Formatting
+When editing an existing file, please be polite and first follow the 
+guidelines below, and secondly follow the general rule of keeping to the 
+same formatting conventions as exist in the file.
+## C Function Declarations
+C function declarations should have the type on one line and the 
+function name and parameters on the following line, e.g.:

Adding a c to the end of this line should enable C-syntax highlight.


> +
+C function declarations should have the type on one line and the 
+function name and parameters on the following line, e.g.:
+static int 
+convertCopy(char *from, int fromLen, char *to, int toLen, int term)
+This facilitates searching for function definitions by searching for the 
+name at the beginning of the line.
+## Tabs are 4 spaces
+The heading says it all.

I'm afraid the title doesn't answer the question when to use spaces/tabs? Are tabs banned?

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