On 20.05.2009, at 15:09, Eliot Miranda wrote:

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:

On 20.05.2009, at 14:33, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

On 20.05.2009, at 14:19, Andreas Raab wrote:

Adrian Lienhard wrote:
I've sent Andrew a mail to his hotmail.com account this morning but haven't received a reply so far.

Thanks. BTW, the reason why I'm asking is that I've been using the Truetype stuff in the past and I don't recall the need for bitblt mods. Is there a possibility that once upon a time there was a need for this and now there no longer is? The date on the changeset is 2004...

IIRC this is for sub-pixel font rendering support and was never officially integrated. With current bitblt you do nit git sub-pixel AA.

Err ... that should have been "you do not get" of course.

What I love about typoes (I commit them at a huge rate being a hunt-and-peck typist) is what they say about the brain.  In "nit" it could be that "i" was an accuracy error because "o" is right next to it, but that the "i" in "git" was somehow repeating the mistake even though "e" is on the other side of the keyboard.  Or, as Andreas thinks, "nit git" came from thinking "bitblt". Or...

If I ever need a shrink remind me to visit vm-dev first ...

- Bert -