Hi David,

Thank you. I already have the standard interpreter running nativilly on 64 bit and want to port the StackInterpreter as well.
I thought you had posted a a different reply than the one below, but I must have misread.

Thanks for your time.


---- On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:46:28 -0700 David T. Lewis<lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote ----

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 08:30:41AM -0700, gettimothy wrote:
> David,
> You sent a reply outlining how to build native 64 bit StackInterpreter which I accidently deleted. If you have it handy, and not a waste of your time, could you please repost it?

Hi tty,

The slightly out of date instructions are at:

You can follow those instructions, but use the latest versions of Squeak, VMMaker,
Subversion sources, etc rather than the older versions cited in those instuctions.

An overview of 64-bit VM and image terminology is at:

You can find an automated build here which may be helpful to illustrate the process:

The script that does the work is:

If you use the script, edit it at the place marked "EDIT HERE".

Note that this is for the standard interpreter VM. StackInterpreter is currently
limited to 32-bit executables.
