Hi. Coming from the problem of the "-mno-fused-madd"  and some personal comments from Andres, I think it is important to know and document which is the GCC version  that is expected to work (taking into account all compiler flags for example).

Now that we have the CMakeVMMaker classes, I think it may be a good place to put such info in class comments and class side methods. For example, in SqueakDBX, in the OpenDBX class (which is the class that does the binding with FFI to OpenDBX) I have a class method  called  expectedOpenDBXVersion  which is something like.

^ '1.5.6'

So...when I update SqueakdBX to use a new version of OpenDBX I just change that. In addition, in the documentation (the website) I document that the OpenDBX version they should use, is defined in #expectedOpenDBXVersion.

Maybe something like this can be done in CMakeVMMaker classes.

