Hi Tim,

it is already in place to convert CTRL+UP/DOWN into MouseWheelEvents. See

HandMorph >> #initForEvents
HandMorph >> #filterEvent:for:
HandMorph >> #generateMouseWheelEvent:direction:

Would be nice if the VM would actually deliver mouse-wheel events. See:

EventSensor >> #processMouseWheelEvent:
EventSensorConstants class >> #initialize

Would be VERY EASY to provide a similar conversion for CTRL+RED clicks if needed for single-button mice.


Am 24.04.2018 18:47:28 schrieb tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org>:

Last time I checked (which was a while ago, so maybe nicer now) there were varying checks/flags in the various platform vms, and further checks/preferences in the image. And then there are/were preferences like 'personalizedWorldMenu', the entire 'keyboard' preferences group, 'generalizedYellowButtonMenu' and very probably others that affect, change, filter and generally spindle, fold and mutilate events.

Purely in-image changes have the virtue of being fixable in-image and of course you can set behaviour of an application you are writing (Scratch for instance). Purely vm handled preferences have the (potential) virtue of being globally settable for a users via whatever platform mechanism is used, most of which have always impressed me as a result of seriously deranged minds working hard to make life awkward.

When we mix the two and add 20+ years of development history without an actual plan then we get some decidedly odd results.

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Useful Latin Phrases:- Visne saltare? Viam Latam Fungosam scio = Do you want to dance? I know the Funky Broadway.