Em 16-08-2010 09:53, David T. Lewis escreveu:
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 02:13:20PM +0200, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, David T. Lewis wrote:

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 11:21:07PM -0300, Casimiro de Almeida Barreto 

When installing from Monticello everything go OK until "initializing..."
& then a seg fault happens. OS: Fedora 13, libuuid-2.17.2-6.fc13.i686 &

[casimiro@localhost cog.work]$ /opt/cog/squeak squeak.image

Segmentation fault

Smalltalk stack dump:
0xbfcc1428 I UUID>initialize 2039877212: a(n) UUID
0xbfcc1440 M UUID class(Behavior)>new: 2009777744: a(n) UUID class
0xbfcc1464 I UUID class>new 2009777744: a(n) UUID class
0xbfcc1484 I SmalltalkImageInstanceID class>instanceID 2031947652: a(n)
This sounds like the old UUID bug:

Mantis 7358: UUID>>initialize may crash VM for some images

The problem affects some Linux platforms. The apparent fix is to build
the plugin internally.
That doesn't really solve the problem. I couldn't use the official release 
on a machine, because the UUID plugin crashed. Since it was built as an
internal plugin, I couldn't get rid of it, so I had to rebuild the VM.
I think that we had managed to convince ourselves that building the plugin
internally makes the problem go away. Apparently that is not the case here.

Just to be clear, when you rebuilt the VM to eliminate the UUID problem,
did you build it with no UUIDPlugin at all, or are you saying that recompiling
on your own machine was sufficient to correct the problem?


Building UUIDPlugin internally allows to install Cryptography. Just 2 things: I had to include the "-luuid" by hand when compiling:

gcc -g -O3 -march=core2 -mtune=core2 -msse2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG -DITIMER_HEARTBEAT=1 -DNO_VM_PROFILE=1 -DCOGMTVM=0 -msse -DLSB_FIRST=1 -o squeak disabledPlugins.o version.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  vm/vm.a ADPCMCodecPlugin/ADPCMCodecPlugin.a AsynchFilePlugin/AsynchFilePlugin.a B2DPlugin/B2DPlugin.a B3DAcceleratorPlugin/B3DAcceleratorPlugin.a BitBltPlugin/BitBltPlugin.a BMPReadWriterPlugin/BMPReadWriterPlugin.a CroquetPlugin/CroquetPlugin.a ZipPlugin/ZipPlugin.a DropPlugin/DropPlugin.a DSAPrims/DSAPrims.a FFTPlugin/FFTPlugin.a FileCopyPlugin/FileCopyPlugin.a FilePlugin/FilePlugin.a FloatArrayPlugin/FloatArrayPlugin.a FloatMathPlugin/FloatMathPlugin.a IA32ABI/IA32ABI.a JoystickTabletPlugin/JoystickTabletPlugin.a JPEGReaderPlugin/JPEGReaderPlugin.a JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.a Klatt/Klatt.a LargeIntegers/LargeIntegers.a Matrix2x3Plugin/Matrix2x3Plugin.a MIDIPlugin/MIDIPlugin.a MiscPrimitivePlugin/MiscPrimitivePlugin.a Mpeg3Plugin/Mpeg3Plugin.a RePlugin/RePlugin.a SecurityPlugin/SecurityPlugin.a SerialPlugin/SerialPlugin.a SocketPlugin/SocketPlugin.a SoundCodecPrims/SoundCodecPrims.a SoundGenerationPlugin/SoundGenerationPlugin.a SoundPlugin/SoundPlugin.a StarSqueakPlugin/StarSqueakPlugin.a SurfacePlugin/SurfacePlugin.a UUIDPlugin/UUIDPlugin.a -lutil -ldl -lpthread -lm -lnsl -lGL -luuid -lpthread vm/vm.a -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/cog/lib

Besides, I tried to compile the B3DAcceleratorPlugin to see if Cog detects GL capabilities of NVIDIA board. It didn't help a lot...

Next I'll be testing to see if UUIDPlugin as internal one does the trick (things work correctly).

Best regards,

Casimiro Barreto