Hi all!

Just recently, we discovered and fixed an issue with OpenSSL3, which ships with Ubuntu 22.04. Thanks to Patrick (pre) and Tobias (topa) for working on this!

If nothing else pops up until the end of this week, I will make another patch release of the OSVM 2022. The latest VM build containing that fix is already available:
--> https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/releases/tag/latest-build


P.S.: I drafted some notes on the process here: https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/issues/637

Am 11.05.2022 12:03:49 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@hpi.de>:

Hi all!

We just released the next version of the OpenSmalltalk VM. 

Please find the binaries here:
(see VMMaker.oscog-mt.3184 and update.oscog-mt.6.mcm)

That version will be used in the upcoming Squeak 6.0 and also updated
bundles for Squeak 5.3. And probably in upcoming Cuis releases. :-)

Here is an attempt of a change log (since 2020): 
- Adds ARMv8/Aarch64/ARM64 JIT incl. support for Apple M1
- Adds "fast C primitives" via #FastCPrimitiveFlag
- Adds support for catching exceptions in FFI callouts
- Adds #primitiveScreenScaleFactor (for DPI-aware images)
- Adds primitives 568 and 578 complementing 88 (primitiveSuspend)
- Adds #primitiveMultipleBytecodeSetsActive to update image format for SistaV1
- Adds VectorEnginePlugin
- Fixes regressions in ARMv6 support
- Fixes performance regressions of -metal and -opengl backends on macOS
- Fixes -core-graphics backend on macOS
- Fixes Retina scaling on macOS, i.e., support "backing scale factor"
- Fixes primitive 126 to fail on graphics backends w/o composition buffer
- Fixes regressions in vm-display-fbdev on Linux
- Fixes time sync (e.g., for DST) on Windows
- Fixes UDP binding on Windows

I am sure that I forgot something especially in plugin code. Please expand on this.

BIG THANKS to everybody who has worked on this release! Personally, I would like
to thank Eliot, who is a great software architect who keeps on making the OSVM
faster with every commit. Thank you!

Marcel (on behalf of the OSVM core dev team)