On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:05 PM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:

Good initiative, but I guess satisfying both  "> 20KLOC"  and
"portable"  at the same time may be a tough ask.

You are right, what I meant is not _too much_ dependent in the dialect. Anyway, my experience from porting Smark benchs from Pharo to Bee is that I had to add ~20 methods and change some selectors here and there.

Just a very random thought - I wonder if any insight might be gained
by crossing several of the low level together.
Like run a compute intensive benchmark at the same time as a memory
intensive benchmark?

cheers -ben

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 7:53 AM, Javier Pimás
<elpochodelagente@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody! While measuring performance I usually face the problem of assessing performance. At present, I'm using are-we-fast-yet benchs and also smark ones, among others. Unfortunately, for some purposes those benchs are considered too low-level, so I'd like to collect a set of "real world" fat workloads. I'm asking for contributions on computing problems you have. I'll create a public repo as a common place,  explaining what each bench does, so that we can all benefit from the result.
> The code should have the following properties:
> - The executed code should be > 20KLOC.
> - It should have compute or memory intensive models or both.
> - Ideally, it has sufficient run time, perhaps a few minutes, but at least a few seconds.
> - The results should be verifiable.
> - The more portable the best, as I need to have those benchs running in another dialect.
> - Should be fully automate-able, it should be possible to suppress output.
> Some examples are moose models, source code analysis, parallelization, web apps, parser generators, their corresponding parsers, XML processing, report generation, refactoring tools, type inference, etc…
> Feel free to forward this mail to other lists you consider appropriate.
> Cheers,
> Pocho
> --
> Javier Pimás
> Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Javier Pimás
Ciudad de Buenos Aires