On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Gerardo Richarte <gera@corest.com> wrote:

On 05/18/2011 05:40 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Now, I run this test:
>     | inst |
>     inst := AnotherClass new.
>     inst age: 42.
>     (FooClass >> #foo) valueWithReceiver: inst arguments: #()
> So...I am evaluating the CompiledMethod installed on #foo on "inst".
> The compiledMethod has a bytecode (04) for accessing the var5. But
> "inst" only have one instVar.
may be it IS accessing outside the bounds of the object, but "luckily"
peeking at another object, where there is a 1. var5 is the 5th slot, and
that'll probably be in the middle of the next object. Try other's, for
example, var2, which would be the bytes just after the object, and quite
likely the pre-header of the next object, which, may or may not be a
valid oop... what's in the first word of Squeak objects? does it look
like a tagged object (integer)? I know there are different formats of
objects, and I don't really need an answer, but that's the question you
should be answering :)

That's exactly what I think it is happening. I am just accessing slot of other object. Likely I am still inside the ObjectMemory of the VM.
Maybe if this happens to the last object I could go outside and crash.

of course another option is if fetchPointer:ofObject: does any bounds
checking, in which case I don't understand what the 1 means.

and lastly but not less, you have found 2 security problems in the VM
(may be just one, ok).

The first one is at a language level, where you can break the
encapsulation of objects by executing an arbitrary CompiledMethod in any

Yes, but this is already possible with some other primitives ;)

The second is more severe in my opinion, and it's that you can access
(read and also write) arbitrary memory addresses in the VM process, and
that normally means arbitrary native code execution. This bug is not due
to valueWithReceiver: but rather because fetchPointer:ofObject: and the
writing counterpart, don't check bounds.

What I wonder, and what I would really like to know is the reason why NOT to check bounds. Is all about speed?

