Hi Chris,
did it work on Squeak 4.2 ?


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Chris Cunnington <smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:
I just changed the Squeak Wiki  <http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/227> entry about the RefactoringBrowser to what you see below. If what I've said is wrong, please say how. Also, the username/password for changing the Squeak Wiki is squeak/viewpoints. Anybody can contribute or update.


The RefactoringBrowser is now a series of menues in the OmniBrowser. You get the OmniBrowser in your system by executing this code in a Workspace.

(Installer wiresong project: 'ob')
install: 'OmniBrowser';
install: 'OB-Morphic';
install: 'OB-Standard';
install: 'OB-Shout';
install: 'OB-SUnitIntegration'.

"Refactoring engine and OB integration"
(Installer ss project: 'rb')
install: 'AST';
install: 'Refactoring-Core';
install: 'Refactoring-Spelling';
project: 'Regex';
install: 'VB-Regex'.

(Installer wiresong project: 'ob')
install: 'OB-Refactory';
install: 'OB-Regex'.

Once you've done that, when you reach for a browser, it will ask you which of three browsers you want: Packaging, Omni, or regular. You can change from one to the other by clicking on a menu on the top rim of an open browser.