Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@gmail.com> wrote:
2014-04-23 0:05 GMT+02:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
Hi All,

    I should write a blog post on this, but I can't wait...

In recent days I've written a script to build a Cog VMMaker image from Squeak 4.5.  See http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog/image.  This has allowed me to run the current Cog VM against Spur side-to-side.

To build a Cog VMMaker image on my 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro using the current Cog VM takes about 2 and a half minutes:

McStalker.image$ time oscfvm CogVMMaker.image BuildSqueak45Image.st 
real    2m30.671s
user    2m15.683s
sys     0m5.283s

To build the equivalent image using Spur takes about 1 and a half minutes:
McStalker.image$ time spurcfvm CogVMMaker-spur.image BuildSqueak45Image.st 
real    1m34.943s
user    1m23.666s
sys     0m6.810s


94.943 - 150.671 / 150.671 * 100 -36.99
83.666 - 135.681 / 135.681 * 100 -38.34
150.671 / 94.943 1.59
135.681 / 83.666 1.62

that's about a -37% speedup, or 1.6x faster.

So this is loading .mcz from package cache, uncompressing, compiling, installing the packages.

I presume this qualifies as a macro benchmark...

yes :-)
I didn't follow the full flow of changes, how difficult is it right now to bootstrap a spur.image?

Right now the transformation of the images is straight-forward, e.g.:

SpurBootstrap bootstrapImage: 'Squeak-4.5-All-in-One.app/Contents/Resources/Squeak4.5-13680'
But fixing the Monticello packages is a little more involved.  One has to collect the relevant packages in a directory (Kernel, Collections & System) and then do e.g.
(SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher new
from: 'image/package-cache'
to: 'image/spur-package-cache')
and then load the packages into the Spur image.

When I get my ass in gear this step should be unnecessary since http://source.squeak.org/spur is ready and waiting.  So the Spur trunk for Squeak V5.0 will parallel Squeak 4.6 and hopefully supplant it soon enough.

The main hold up right now is the combination of the facts that the current compaction algorithm doesn't work well, and image start-up always adds 50% of image size as free space, so the image balloons on each save.  I'm finally getting back to working on the compaction algorithm after a very satisfying three weeks working with Clément Béra on Sista.  So I hope to have movement on releasing Spur for the 4.6/5.0 development cycle soon.