Hi Guys:
Now that 4.5 is near to be released I want to make a suggestion for 4.6.

I think that Squeak have a killer weapon a bit forgotten that should be included in the image, it's Morphic Designer [1] from Hasso Platner Institute [2].

I'm loading it fine from several version already [3] but I think that it should be part of the image in 4.6, for example in menu Tools.

This would help to lower the barriers of Squeak to newbies (remember that one of the more criticized aspects from all times is the lack of an UI Builder).

And Morphic Designer really rocks and should not be forgot, I think that need to be maintained as part of the official image.

What think the community?

[1] https://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/hirschfeld/trac/SqueakCommunityProjects/wiki/designer
[2] https://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/hirschfeld/trac/SqueakCommunityProjects
[3] http://germanarduino.blogspot.com.ar/2011/04/como-instalar-morphic-designer-en.html

Saludos / Regards,
Germán Arduino