2014-08-30 15:31 GMT+02:00 Bernhard Pieber <bernhard@pieber.com>:
Dear fellow Squeakers,

I continued my quest to create a current clean 4.6 trunk imge and still run into problems.

I am on OS X 10.9.4. I use Eliot's latest Cog.app and the 4.5 release image (Squeak4.5-13680.image) from the FTP server. See here [1] for the bash commands I use to set up my starting point.

Then I execute the following script in a workspace:

        defaultUpdateURL: 'http://source.squeak.org/trunk';

During processing of update-eem.287.mcm a popup menu appears saying that the Squeak4.5-13680.changes file does not exist. This is incorrect because the file exists. When I choose Debug I get FileDoesNotExistException. See the attached PNG and SqueakDebug.log.

I would be interested if others run into the same problem.


It happens to me from time to time.
I suspect that there are two many files opened before the reclamation facility has a chance to work.
I suspect the read-only copy of change file to open those files.

I you open the debugger and restart from the right place (?), the update correctly resumes (but it's not very automated...).

mkdir trunk
cd trunk

curl -O http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/VM.r3063/Cog.app-14.32.3063.tgz
gunzip -c Cog.app-14.32.3063.tgz | tar xopf - && rm Cog.app-14.32.3063.tgz

curl -O ftp://ftp.squeak.org/4.5/SqueakV41.sources.zip
unzip SqueakV41.sources.zip && rm SqueakV41.sources.zip

curl -O ftp://ftp.squeak.org/4.5/Squeak4.5-13680.zip
unzip Squeak4.5-13680.zip && rm Squeak4.5-13680.zip

./Cog.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak Squeak4.5-13680.image