Hi Marcel,

    can you give a specific example?  Andreas and I came up with a solution for accessing Processor activeProcess correctly in the debugger.  It works like this:

    ^activeProcess effectiveProcess

"effectiveProcess is a mechanism to allow process-faithful debugging.  The debugger executes code
on behalf of processes, so unless some effort is made the identity of Processor activeProcess is not
correctly maintained when debugging code.  The debugger uses evaluate:onBehalfOf: to assign the
debugged process as the effectiveProcess of the process executing the code, preserving process
^effectiveProcess ifNil: [self]

Process>>evaluate: aBlock onBehalfOf: aProcess
"Evaluate aBlock setting effectiveProcess to aProcess.  Used
in the execution simulation machinery to ensure that
Processor activeProcess evaluates correctly when debugging."
| oldEffectiveProcess |
oldEffectiveProcess := effectiveProcess.
effectiveProcess := aProcess.
^aBlock ensure: [effectiveProcess := oldEffectiveProcess]

and then in activateReturn:value: complete: popTo: popTo:value: return:value: step step: stepToCallee stepToSendOrReturn it is used as in


^Processor activeProcess
evaluate: [suspendedContext := suspendedContext step]
onBehalfOf: self

Perhaps all that is needed is the access of process-specific variables to use effectiveProcess?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 12:50 AM, Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de> wrote:

There are process-specific variables. However, #doStep in Debugger does
#completeStep: on the process object and Processor >> #activeProcess will be
wrong during that execution.

Is this a general problem of global state or could we fix that somehow?


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Process-specific-state-difficult-to-debug-tp4802422.html
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