Uh, thanks for the pointer. :-) I just fixed that. Try updating. I made a 1.0.1 release via Metacello. Otherwise load "mt.3" from "http://ss3.gemtalksystems.com/ss/RefactoringToolsForSqueak" via Monticello.


Am 25.09.2017 10:05:18 schrieb sst <ssmith2112@outlook.com>:

Hi everyone, I just installed the Refactoring Tools in Squeak 5.1 like this:

Metacello new
configuration: 'RefactoringTools';
version: #stable;

and I am trying to rename some class variables (not instance variables) but
when I select the option from the menu shown below it prompts me for a new
class name, which is unexpected. I'm expecting it to give me the list of
class vars (which do exist) to select one to rename (the same way that the
instance vars rename feature works). If I provide a class name it actually
renames my class. Seems that the wrong code is attached to this menu item?
Anyone else had this issue?

I'm trying to figure out where the code is that attaches a method to this
menu. I suspect the wrong method is being called from this menu as the
RBRenameClassVariableTest passes in TestRunner which to me means the code to
rename class variables is working as expected, it's just not linked to this
menu item as expected?

Any help appreciated,

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