On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 6:54 AM K K Subbu <kksubbu.ml@gmail.com> wrote:
On 28/02/19 7:44 PM, karl ramberg wrote:
> Hi,
> When I click and drag a SketchMorph with the mouse wheel, the
> SketchMorph jump to the top left corner of the screen, and then follows
> the mouse.
> I have the same issue on both Windows and Linux

I am unable to reproduce this on Squeak 5.2 #18231 (64b Ubuntu 16.04).
Could you please list the precise sequence?

BTW, I noticed that creating sketches from lasso or rubberband no longer
works. Only rectangle snip works :-(.

    World-Menu -> new morph -> grab rectangle from screen
       draw rectangle in the balloon - drag a sketch.
    World-Menu -> new morph -> grab lasso from screen
       draw lasso in the balloon - no sketch
    ditto for grab rubber band from screen.

It's a bug in BitBlt in 32 bit screen depth. It works when screen is set to 16 bit.

Combination rule Form erase1bitShape returns a transparent form in 32 bit screen depth.



Regards .. Subbu