2010/4/22 Stephen Pair <stephen@pairhome.net>
It's hard to argue that Apple is a monopoly when they have ~7% of the PC market and there are 3 significant competing platforms in the smartphone market (RIM, Android, and Windows).  Now, I'm not defending Apple's stance on alternate languages, but I do think these decisions are based mostly on engineering compromises in an effort to constrain the problems they will face as they evolve the hardware and software.  I mean, Objective-C itself is just about the epitome of a language born out of engineering compromise (an early attempt to get a Smalltalk inspired OO system running in a C based environment).

They have monopoly over platform (iPhone and iPad) and until other tablets reach market they have monopoly over tablet market.

Suppose Job's idea flourishes and Microsoft decides next version of Windows will load applications via MicrosoftStore only and that they decide which applications are fit for Windows and which aren't and, more than that, what content is appropriate for Microsoft attendance and what is not (like well... no P2P, no Flash, multimedia only via ... you got the picture).

Suppose everybody let this frog go down our throats and Jobs think: "well, it would be nice if all MacOS X applications could only be loaded through AppleStore..."

The trouble with the iPhone/iPad marketing model goes far beyond Apple controlling things that can crash iPhone/iPad. It means that us, as developers, have to beg blessings to have the applications we develop available for a given platform; that we submit ourselves to the scrutiny of someone else than the customers or each country legal system and even so, "platform god" is free to decide that your application is not "appropriate" to his platform anymore and just throw you out of market.

But it is really worse than that because, if your application let you upload something "filth" like Kama Sutra (wtf) then both your application and content can be banished from god's own store. Btw, Bukovisky works were banished from AppleStore (among many other authors).

But it goes beyond: as was discovered, Apple have ways of remotely nuking iPhones and iPads (OS feature). Then, according to license, if you keep "unsuitable content" on your device you're prone to have it nuked. So... yeah I think iPhone/iPad market model is a big problem.

It's a much simpler problem if they only have to worry about breaking Objective-C and web apps all using official, documented and published APIs moving forward than if they have to worry about a mixed bag of apps all using various idiosyncratic technologies accessing undocumented APIs.  As for the AppStore, it's a practical solution to the problem of viruses and malware (there is certainly demand for computers that just work, where viruses and malware are not an issue...the virus problem in Windows has been quite successful in fostering an appetite for that).  The AppStore not an ideal solution to that problem, but they are having to work with 40 year old operating system technology here.  The AppStore has also been quite successful in dealing with some of the peripheral problems software publishers face (like distribution and payment processing) and in so doing has created a viable business model for thousands of small software publishers.

I don't mean to come across sounding like an Apple apologist, but the arguments here seem to be very one sided.  I simply want to express an alternative view.

Of course, having said all of this, I would still like to be able to use Smalltalk to write apps for my iPhone.

- Stephen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 3:42 PM, casimiro barreto <casimiro.barreto@gmail.com> wrote:

2010/4/22 Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire@ofset.org>

2010/4/21 John M McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com>

Phil, last week I asked the smalltalk community (ESUG  etc), to stay claim and wait for Apple to think about it based on an email
exchange I had with Steve Jobs. At the time I thought it prudent to wait a further decision or statement.

Give that Wired publish Alan & my thoughts on the matter it's likely now time to consider what to do next.

So this is NOT the fault of ESUG not being proactive, they were itching to do something.

At the moment I believe they are collecting ideas how to approach the problem in a meaningful manner.
Suggestions are welcome.

I guess you already though about this one but hit *gently* where it hurts: Google.

Explain there a few things: in one hand Apple decided to wipe out non home dev. tools, in the other hand Android is wide open, then Google support dynamic languages, and Smalltalk particularly, throught GSoC initiative.



The problem with Apple policies regarding to what they allow to be installed either in iPhone and iPad extrapolates by far the problem of what computer languages they allow applications be developed in. They're actively practicing private censorship over general processing platforms. This  is monopolist action and by all means wrong and possibly unlawful against consumers. If they intend to take such actions they should advertise everywhere that any aplication/content allowed to be installed in iPhone/iPad via AppleStore (the only valid source of applications and content unless you jailbreak your iPhone/iPad which is contrary to license agreement) is subject to previous approval by Apple and content may be removed at short notice.

So, the problem goes far beyond scratch.

BTW, it is so important that unless they change their police I stopped to develop anything using Apple platforms.