Jason Johnson wrote:
PWL wrote
The erlangification (erlangization, or erlangisation) of Smalltalk may
be a radical enough transformation that it's no longer Smalltalk. If
that's the way of Squeak that's fine however it seems that a fork is
likely the result (and yes, the pun of forking was intended).

No, what I envision will act just like Smalltalk does today with the
singular exception that you wont have need of #critical:, Semaphore or
any of that stuff anymore.  And since most people don't use it, it
doesn't look that painful to me.

All the interprocess communication is just going to be accomplished as
message sends like everything else.



Ok, then how does this magic actually work? Rather than bringing Erlang or other systems into your description please just describe how you see it working in Smalltalk. In detail please.
