Thu shalt never surround your code by square brackets in vain.

2017-07-21 6:13 GMT+02:00 <>:
I ran this program and nothing happened so I added self halts and learned it can't even read the input file!  Yet the File List tool reads it.  Such dichotomy in behavior might be covered by a preference?  I know MS Notepad, the simplest editor now allows one to store a file in ones's choice of formats.  Does Squeak have a simple choice for input treatments that works in Win10?

"Read a Bible file, reformat for beter readability and html standards."
| inPath ootPath inFIle outFile line words |
inPath := 'C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Website\Jesus Words\Matthew.html'.
ootPath := 'C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Website\Jesus Words\Matthew2.html'.
inFIle := FileStream oldFileNamed: inPath.
outFile := FileStream newFileNamed: ootPath.
self halt.
[(line := inFIle nextLine) notNil
words := line substrings.
self halt.
words size >0 ifTrue:[
outFile nextPutAll: line, '<br>'; cr; lf].
inFIle close.
outFile close.

It is my observation that Squeak is the last gasp uttered by a mouse when it fears death.  It is not a normal sound they make unless they are being eaten by a Python!   I hope the Python people don't release code that simply doesn't work.