Hi Adrian,

On 7/26/05, Adrian Lienhard <adi@netstyle.ch> wrote:
Unfortunately the newer version cannot be loaded anymore in a 3.7
image because of the dependency on SystemProgressMorph which seems to
be new in 3.8. I don't know whether you can easily make that
backwards compatible or not. I think it's not that important but
would "nice to have".

I wonder if there is a Monticello way of handling this. I added some overrides to SystemProgressMorph and the only way I know how to address what you are talking about is to fork my code to handle 3.7's lack of SystemProgressMorph class. Can you just proceed past the warning or is there something fatal ocurring?
Another thing that stroke me is peed... In 3.8 with the enhancement
everything seems to be a bit slower than before (the UI in Squeak
never was fast but I have the feeling it become slower with each new

I'll look at the performance numbers. I have some ideas of what my be slowing things down.

To get some numbers (they should probably be treated with care..) I
evaluated "[ 10 timesRepeat: [ Browser openBrowser ] ] timeToRun" and


It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a simple idea. -- Carver Mead