I don't code my projects in squeak , because I don't really like smalltalk syntax as much I love python. But I do like to play around with squeak and pharo and copy all their cool ideas to python. Right now I am making a project that has the ambition to sort of (emphasis on "sort of") port squeak to python. 

I started with porting Morphic , to my GUI which I call Morpheas. Its not a copy from the code side , though there are still a lot of similarities , but more like a copy at the user side, of all the super cool functionally that we have come to love in Morphic and with several other enhancements that I plan for it. My project is named "Ephestos" and you can find it here -> https://github.com/kilon/Ephestos

I have announced it here , and even had a squeak source page for it because I first intended to make it for squeak, but it was also my intention to integrate it to Blender. Also I knew that multicore functionality and threads would be kinda cool , include to that the not so great squeak documentation, buggy libraries and lack of them, choosing python was the easy option of course once again Blender supporting python played a huger role to my decision too. But squeak is not completely out of the window as option. Part of my project is to provide a bridge between languages so it makes possible to use Ephestos with all languages. At the moment my bridge works cross blender python, cpython 3 , cpython 2 and pypy. But because its XMLRPC and sockets it should work relatively easily for squeak too. Using that bridge its possible with no extra magic to call directly all Ephestos (and even blender's) functions . My code is 100% pure python so its easy to read even for those that don't know python at all.  

Of course there is tons of stuff we need to implement to Ephestos and is nowhere near to squeak at the moment. But at the good side, Blender users through Ephestos and Morpheas learn what Morphic is all about so you may have some more newcomers coming from my side and I would certainly recommend and support squeak, because its awesome. I have already introduced many people to it. 

I don't think squeak will ever die , its too cool for that, but even if it did, through projects like mine that are intended for other language will live forever, because a great idea is copied a million times and is never lost. 

I also agree the community of squeak and pharo is very nice, polite and helpful , probably the second best in my experience after the blender community. 

From: David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com>
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <squeak-dev@lists.squeakfoundation.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 17:17
Subject: Re: Squeak.org starving... and what to do about it - if so. (was Re: [squeak-dev] Environments)

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 12:09:23PM +0100, David Corking wrote:
> A few minute ago , G?ran Krampe  wrote:
> > These days I am unsure of Squeak's "place" in the world.
> To all: where is Squeak in your world?

I like spending time with Squeak, and I appreciate that it is different
in ways that attract creative, intelligent people who don't necessarily
pay attention to what other people think is the the latest cool thing.

I spend a good deal of my personal free time with Squeak because I
enjoy it, I learn from it, and I like being part of the community.
