On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

    right now this is a non-obvious process.  Open up the Monticello Browser, select a repository (typically where the image is updated from), scroll down to updates, select an update, select Browse.

Given that we have the update URL in the image (MCMcmUpdater class>>defaultUpdateURL) which couldn't it be something like
1. Open up Monticello Configurations
2. push a "Browse Latest Repository Configuration" button (say "Load Latest") that would be enabled if the update URL was set?

If this is a good idea anyone care to implement it ;) ?

Also, given the centrality of the update process wouldn't it be good to
a) on the Squeak menu bar menu add the update URL to the Update Squeak selection, so that e.g. it read "Update Squeak from source.squeak.org/squeak4.3 by the next release, and
b) that immediately beneath "Update Squeak from ..." was a "Change Update Source..." item that opened the Preferences browser with the Update URL: selection presented?

